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January 09, 2009


The way you caressed my iPhone in an somewhat inappropriate way, I knew it wouldn't be long. Congratulations! I can't believe Laurel agreed to one, as well.

My most loved applications:

Google Reader
Grocery IQ (organize your grocery list in checkoff form by isle)
Easy Writer (for typing email in landscape mode)
Chess WIth Friends (if you sign up, let me know and I'll start a game with you)
Accu Weather
Yahtzee (beware, oddly addictive)
Esteem Aid (very funny)
Urban Spoon
Craigs Mobile
Google Mobile App

Brook, thanks for the app suggestions. I got Urbanspoon immediately, naturally (what's more important than eating?) 1Password... great; I have it on my MacBook. Good to know that it syncs with the computer -- wouldn't want to reenter all of my passwords. Just added AccuWeather also; way cool.

Also, Brook, I wanted to blogospherically acknowledge your brother Zach's important contribution to my iPhone adoption. He was even more central than Tai Chi Dave to my being pushed into getting one.

By saying, on the Christmas time MacBook family video conference, "You need an iPhone, Brian. It isn't about making phone calls; it's all the other things you can do with it."

Since we don't have many friends to talk to, or much of a social life to organize, I'd been under the delusion that I didn't need an iPhone to communicate with.

Now I see how right Zach was -- that what the iPhone keeps you in touch with is the whole world as much (or more) as individual people.

The GPS capabilities are, for me, one of the coolest things about the 3G iPhone. Travel directions. Restaurant finding. Weather forecasts. All that would be much more difficult to do without GPS.

Glad you like your iphone...I'm sure it's just a matter of time until I give in and get one too! Our son got a new hand-held GPS for Christmas...discovered something fun:
It's like a treasure hunt!

Surprising to me, I have become addicted to reading books on my iPhone. Not just lightweight stuff. Am reading Lord Jim at the moment. Who needs a Kindle? It helps, I suppose, that I'm terribly nearsighted. I get my books via "Stanza." Also don't miss "Knot time" (which has video to show you how to tie your favorite knots) or "One tap dial" (for those numbers you call all the time). And, if anyone has forked over $19.99 for "iBird Explorer Plus" I'd be interested to hear what you think.

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