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January 23, 2009


Brian, thank you for the update.
I try to stay tuned as best I can; please let us know when we can help.
I do however, have to gripe about one thing that I think is a big part of the problem:
All you have to do is read that quote from 1000 FRIENDS OF GLOBAL WARMING, and sure enough, right smack dab in the middle of the article, "global warming will continue to pose an environmental and economic threat".
Are you flipping kidding me?!!!!
Why do they continue to undermine their credibility with such irrelevent hogwash?
Just watch the reaction at the next shindig when 1000 friends invoke the "global Warming" card. Notice folks looking around the room, rolling their eyes, looking at their watches.
Come on 1000 friends; LAND USE!!! DEAL WITH LAND USE!!!
As soon as 1000 friends returns EXCLUSIVELY to land use I will return to annual contributions. Not a moment sooner.
Sorry to be a downer Brian. But this pisses me off.

Thanks for the update and putting it all in context. Yes, let's continue to protect our farm and forest lands. As the 1000 Friends of Oregon quote states, the global economy is undergoing rapid change. Let's hold on to what is most valuable. It's just smart business.

Brian, I agree, entirely.

I live in Oregon; I am an Oregonian. Though I live in Marion County, I nonetheless have an interest in what happens in Baker County or Coos County. Our collective actions shape our state, and I resent being told that just because I do not live in Crook County I cannot have an interest in the impact of what happens there, when it affects the interests of the State as a whole.

Thank you Brian for a cogent insight. I am chair of the Marion County Democrats' Legislative Committee. We have come to the same conclusion and are working to oppose this legislation.

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