It's that time of year ... when I shamelessly plug our Christmas letter: "2008 Holiday Greetings from Laurel and Brian."
Download 2008 Christmas Letter
I talk about the fear and trembling with which we approach the annual letter. By the time I get around to composing it, we've received Christmas cards from people who clearly are into way more interesting things than we are.
They travel to Machu Picchu. We manage to drive to central Oregon. They volunteer to build medical stations in central Africa. We use VISA to make charitable donations online.
So I try to make our mundanity into something special. And rely on self-deprecating humor. From this year's letter:
On the self-promotion front, I was pleased to find one of my past works of literary holiday art featured as a "creative Christmas letter example" on Christmas Letter
Our 2001 Christmas Letter is described as "a funny reflection on one family's year, as told through stories of their newest family member, a dog." It can be found in our Christmas Letter collection, here.
My favorite part of our 2008 letter is the photo of me holding my granddaughter. Old and young, yang and yin, blue and red. Thanks to my daughter for capturing the Taoist moment.