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November 26, 2008


And now, I'm going to tell you about REAL love.
My IBM thinkpad is a P-2 300 Mhz lover from hell!
I've thought about straying,,,,found myself cheating at Office Depot with the new lighter-slimmer, younger models..
..but I always come home to my true love of many years; IBM Thinkpad.
It has an RS-232 which none of the newer pieces of junk have. My projector and all of my automation projects require an RS-232.

Although the modem is only 24000 It still is adequete to acsess the internet and keep current while in California or Madres with the bees.

I produce newsletters with Publisher, make drawings on Auto-CAD, and all of the rest; why would I stray?!!!!

But here's the rest: It was paid for in cash 9 years ago!!!!

I love my IBM Thinkpad / Windows 98 workhorse!
True love only increases over time!


Harry, that's a beautiful love story. I admire you for staying true to your companion for so long. I'm more of a playboy. In fact, at the moment I've got several computer girlfriends living with me.

One I don't turn on very often, though (partly because she takes so long to get warmed up).

Hi - I'm here because I read your comments about "Typepad Connect" so I decided to check out your blog. We sure do have a lot in common: Loving a macbook, dancing (one of my hubby's and my favorite pasttimes), and atheism! "It's a small blog world" it seems like, sometimes.

I've always wanted one, since it's especially useful for artists (my profession). Our daughter loves the mac she was required to purchase for her college program. I'm still learning mine and loving doing so. BTW, this love of material objects means, I think you'd enjoy the post I wrote in Nov. entitled "Wanderlust."

gel, I enjoyed "Wanderlust."

Nice writing. Who knew that getting a new camera could be such an erotic experience?

But I've got similar lust toward my MacBook. She's a terrific male fantasy: beautiful, intelligent -- and she also does just what I tell her to do in a marvelously submissive yet eager to please fashion.


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