I don't know what this says about me, but I've just spent quite a bit of time burrowing through the Blondie comic strip archive looking for the hottest images of her.
For quite a while I've had a thing for Blondie. She's the most curvaceous chick on the mainstream comic pages.
She may have had breast implants, given her otherwise svelte shape, but who cares? And I'd prefer that she wear high heels around the house, but her tight skirts help make up for that fantasy lack.
I figured that if I Googled "Blondie comic hottie" I'd find lots of other guys who shared my passion for a comic strip character. Disturbingly, I didn't.
This told me that either I'm more atypically deranged than I thought, or I need to take the lead in showing my fellow Blondie-lusters that it's OK to come out of the closet.
Being an exhibitionist blogger (is there any other kind?), naturally I liked the second option.
One guy, at least, is in my corner. He wants to see Blondie naked.
"Rereading some old Blondie cartoons I remember how I was deeply in love with her for years. And how I at some point in my teenage years wanted to see her naked.
Still do I think. Although her neighbor, the brunette, is sexier. I wanna see both of them naked. Now!"
I assume he means Tootsie Woodley. Sorry, dude, I don't see her as sexier. No way. However, I'll admit to a preference for blondes (especially since my wife may read this post).
I agree with him, though, about the Blondie naked part.
It's doubtful that we'll ever see this in the newspaper. However, I managed to find someone who's gone part way toward fulfilling that guy's wish. Here's his before and after images.
Cool. I'm so jealous of Dagwood.
He doesn't deserve such a fine woman. He spends a lot of his at-home time napping, watching TV, taking baths, and scheming about how to get out and play golf.
Dagwood does do the dishes sometimes, though. Albeit with an ulterior motive.
I don't know what Blondie sees in him, but she can give Dagwood some good loving.
[Update: Dagwood, I apologize. I'd forgotten, or maybe never knew, that you were the son of a billionaire tycoon who gave up his inheritance to marry Blondie against your father's wishes. That's beautiful.]
I assume this was just a prelude.
Well, I suppose there are worse things for a 60 year old man to do than ogle a comic strip character.
I personally thought Betty Boop and Daisy Mae were hotter
Posted by: David | November 29, 2008 at 06:57 AM
Have always liked Blondie too. Still check to see if she's wearing a see-thru nighty or is at the shoe store or has a slip strap falling off her shoulder in bed w/ Dag. You are not alone. Miss Buxley at Camp Swampy could play a decent second fiddle to Blondie . . . as could Veronica of the Archies . . . and . . .
Posted by: jon | September 09, 2009 at 11:32 AM
I love Blondie!
Posted by: karl anglin | February 02, 2011 at 12:37 PM
I always liked Blondie for your stated reasons, too. If you really want to pursue your interest to a truly prurient end, check out the one or two major "Tijuana Bible" sites on the net. Tijuana bibles were x-rated, undergound comics that featured popular comic strip characters in, um, compromising, behind-closed-doors situations. Many of these small comics, most produced in the 30's and 40's, featured Dagwood and Blondie. I think you'll get a kick out of these sordid bits of Americana. One or two of the sites I mentioned contain complete, free scans of the comics in question. Start out with www.tijuana-bibles.com. haha, let me know what you think!
Posted by: Joe | September 27, 2011 at 11:57 AM
Check out this link for the a photo of Blondie in real life: http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2631430630100136571nlgrep
Posted by: Mark Breisch | July 12, 2012 at 08:10 PM
I would love to see more Blondie sexy pictures. Maybe I'm a little strange too, but still would like to see her and any other of the famous lady comic strip characters. Thanks for putting in what you could. jaxsdad57@yahoo
Posted by: Robb | August 20, 2019 at 08:59 PM
I swear I remember seeing a Blondie porn comic back in the 70s.
I'm not having any luck finding it online.
Posted by: curt | January 11, 2021 at 02:37 PM