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November 28, 2008


I personally thought Betty Boop and Daisy Mae were hotter

Have always liked Blondie too. Still check to see if she's wearing a see-thru nighty or is at the shoe store or has a slip strap falling off her shoulder in bed w/ Dag. You are not alone. Miss Buxley at Camp Swampy could play a decent second fiddle to Blondie . . . as could Veronica of the Archies . . . and . . .

I love Blondie!

I always liked Blondie for your stated reasons, too. If you really want to pursue your interest to a truly prurient end, check out the one or two major "Tijuana Bible" sites on the net. Tijuana bibles were x-rated, undergound comics that featured popular comic strip characters in, um, compromising, behind-closed-doors situations. Many of these small comics, most produced in the 30's and 40's, featured Dagwood and Blondie. I think you'll get a kick out of these sordid bits of Americana. One or two of the sites I mentioned contain complete, free scans of the comics in question. Start out with www.tijuana-bibles.com. haha, let me know what you think!

Check out this link for the a photo of Blondie in real life: http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2631430630100136571nlgrep

I would love to see more Blondie sexy pictures. Maybe I'm a little strange too, but still would like to see her and any other of the famous lady comic strip characters. Thanks for putting in what you could. jaxsdad57@yahoo

I swear I remember seeing a Blondie porn comic back in the 70s.
I'm not having any luck finding it online.

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