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October 07, 2008


Congradulations on your purchace, Brian!
My first Suzuki was a 1972 125cc.
I purchaced it on payments from my Capitol Journal paper route.
Now I enjoy my GS-1000 Suzuki.
5 gears. 85 mph in second at redline! ;-)
Harley? Whats with a harley?
I was at a gathering of bikes several years back and, long story short, after alot of cheap shots ended up in a friendly, private drag race.
Just as we were ready to launch, I threw up my hands in the air and announced that I wanted to impose restrictions on the race at which time an explosion of laughter erupted in the air.
Then amidst cackles and howls, I clearly stated that I at no point in the race would go beyond 3rd gear, just to be fair.
Things got quiet.....
But in the end, truth prevailed and so did our friendships.
Harleys are a fine bike if you are not in a hurry, and by the way I am not.
Brian, are you going to be a motorcyclist, or a motorbike-driver?
Liz and I know 3 guys that crashed their brand-spanking new Harleys on the way home from purchacing it. One of them twice.
Here's the answer:


Please stop by and show it off when you are out in my area!

As mid-life crises go, that seems like the potentially least damaging-- if you gotta do one *s* I had a friend, who lives in Portland, take his scooter clear out here to our farm (about 80 miles or so); so they can range a long way-- if someone is patient :)

Harry, I've done the Team Oregon training, but could use a brush-up. For sure I'll take their one-day review course, and maybe even the hands-on riding course again.

Yesterday I watched some You Tube videos on countersteering, to get back into the groove. With this scooter, you don't shift and you have ABS. That takes two complexities out of the equation.

I suspect that failing to initiate a turn with counter-steering is another big reason why new riders dump their bikes. Like the videos point out, counter-steering is counter-intuitive: push left to go left? Huh? That's the opposite of what you do with a car steering wheel.

Rain, you're right -- about the forms mid-life crises could take. Regarding patience on a scooter, what you say is true with a small Vespa or whatever. But a maxi-scooter like the Burgman is a powerful motorcycle disguised as a scooter.

One of its appeals is that you can get a t-shirt that says, "My scooter can go 120 mph. Can yours?" See:

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