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September 20, 2008


Brian, just consider all of that down time with the VW as carbon credits that you earned for the future.
The way I see it, with interest and all, you can mow your property, and MINE TOO, with no guilt from the global warming profiteers.

The national debt is rather scary. What number do we need to reach, before the whole country goes into default? If the USA does completely default, would this be the world's biggest write off? Then start a whole new balance sheet?

Um, being friends with Brook, I was looking forward to hearing about your amazing lunch you had during she and Corey's visit?!

Laura, ask and you shall receive. I felt like I had to rant about the $700 billion bailout before turning to our marvelous Aunt Mary's lunch. This afternoon...a post shall appear.

I made mor stupid miustakes than you did I need to be bailed out first Dale

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