There's a lot going on in the world at the moment. Russia and Georgia are going at it. Afghanistan and Pakistan are their usually messy selves. Economic indicators are looking worse.
So it wasn't hard for me to decide on my blog post subject tonight:
Dogs playing!
A few days ago the family pet, Serena, had an unexpected play date. A Golden Retriver'ish dog came to visit while we were at our cabin in Camp Sherman, Oregon.
I grabbed my Flip Video camera when I saw that Serena and her new friend hit it off instantly. Sometimes it takes a while for dogs to get into play mode. Not this time.
A tail-wagging, pouncing, chasing, wrestling frenzy ensued right after the first sniffs. Here they are in their You Tube'd play dog majesty.
It's too bad that people – and nations – can't get along so well. Serena and her companion were strangers just before they embraced the joy of dog play.
Sure would be nice if everybody could simply say to their neighbor "let's have fun together!" And mean it.
In my mind, I thought Serena was a slower, up in years kinda dog. Sweet and peaceful. This video, shows Serena to be full of energy and fun. Watching the video, made me thirsty. It was thoughful, for the person to bring out a pan and some water. The 2 dogs would agree.
Posted by: Roger | August 18, 2008 at 07:24 AM
Thanks for posting that, it was a joy to watch!
Posted by: amy | August 25, 2008 at 02:01 PM