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July 01, 2008


It seems to me that more and more of these kinds of people are flooding into Oregon. It is really sad to see. Why can't people like the author of that letter realize that when you talk about the 'government' you are talking about all the people of the state. The government is not a for profit entity it represents us and our common rights. These people would rather leave all decisions to those with the money as if they would do right by the rest of us. It truly is a shame.

The thing is these people leave as soon as things get crowded or polluted. They take their speculation and cash to the next great deal. Well guess what, there really is nowhere left. The frontier is full.

Thanks for your perspective on this. My parents,though fairly intelligent, seem to have been fooled by Mr. Hunnicut's frothing rant. I think, in part, because they first heard of the "government's [plot]" through church connections which, in their eyes, would lend an air of infallible credibility. I figured there was more to this - especially when I got to the part: ". . .environmental extremists have decided that it is bad to allow people to live and work in rural areas." - oafish chicanery, at best. Do you know the current status of HB 2564 and HB 2566?

dear hines, my wife and i had a sale on our home of 28 yrs contingent on a 3 lot division. we had city water, good drainage on our 9 acres which we could only grow $150
of hay on. we were r2 until the state stole
that designation. we applied for and were approved by state and county for the three lots under 37. 49 thru out 37 so we are back
to square one on the fast track. the so called fast track is the slim trail of a dying banana slug. the idiot gov. didn't even have a staff. my buyers have been renters for 2 yrs in october. they feel that they have waited long enough and are
going to vacated. i will lose a $700mm sale
and have a derilect property to sell now at
a loss if i can even sell in this present market. i am retired in my 70's and am paying house payments. thanks to the LEFTISTS and land right thieves and outright
lies 49 claimed fast track--BARBARA STRIESTRAND!!!!

Buildings are expensive and not every person is able to buy it. But, credit loans was created to support different people in such hard situations.

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