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July 15, 2008


I purchased a set of killer sterio speakers for $1000.00 each back in '75 while attending college.
There were those that gave me much grief for that "wastful expendature".
Of those of them that are still alive, the first thing they want to do is hear the kick-ass sterio when they visit.
It's your money, to hell with the Jonses.
Be your own Jones's.

For your information sir, I am trying to walk the walk. I live in a modest 48-year-old 1,800 sq. ft. house close to downtown so I can walk to work (no air conditioning, BTW). My wife and I and 3 kids have 2 old +100K mileage cars that we drive as little as possible (one a four cylinder that gets good mileage). We grow vegetables in our backyard, mow our grass with a push mower, and let the lawn go dormant in the summer. My computer is an older Mac laptop. I hope to do even better in the future to live on less and give more and tread more lightly on the earth. I don't buy the argument that "more expensive" means "better quality." Most of the time, the motivation people have to spend $350 on sunglasses is to attempt to enhance their status. In economics, these are sometimes called "Veblen Goods" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good) named after the author of the classic study, Theory of the Leisure Class, who coined the phrase "conspicuous consumption." Our country has been the world leader in conspicuous consumption for over a century now. It's time we wake up to that and begin to change our ways. Peak oil and global warming may force us to change, but it would be more ethical for us to begin to choose a different way of life.

Dear Brian,

This morning I am using a friend's laptop to be on/at your blog. Usually I have to go to the Library for such access. Unless someone gives me a ride in a vehicle, I walk wherever I go. $350.00 would/could buy quite a lot of food for my sustinance.

But, of course, do as you can, and think as you so please.

Robert Paul Howard

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