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July 24, 2008


You are focused on Vested Option. How about providing comments on the Conditional Option. The big problem is the appraisal. What can be done to reduce the costs? Estimates are running form $10,000 to $25,000 There are few appraisers willing to do the work. What can a person do? Are there thing a person can do themselves to reduce costs?

David Wrote:

>>>You are focused on Vested Option. How about providing comments on the Conditional Option. The big problem is the appraisal. What can be done to reduce the costs? Estimates are running form $10,000 to $25,000 There are few appraisers willing to do the work. What can a person do? Are there thing a person can do themselves to reduce costs? <<<

Yes. Sell the land and move into a condo in the city.

David, as you might already be aware, DLCD has a link on their Measure 49 web site to a list of appraisers willing to do this sort of work:


It sure seems like you could help out with research to keep the cost down. But since getting 10 home sites under the Conditional option would bring in quite a bit of money, I see this as a cost of doing business.

Out where we live 2 acre lots are going for at least $200,000. So seven home sites (above the three allowed by the Express option) would be worth upwards of $1,400,000. What's the big deal in spending $10 to $25,000 to make $1,400,000?

Plus, Measure 37 said that claimants should only be compensated if land use regulations reduced the value of their property. Measure 49 simply implements this policy, saying that claimants have to show a genuine loss of value, not a made-up loss of value.

That's fair.

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