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June 27, 2008


I look forward to the day whaen I drive past this property and see it in grapes, forest, rangeland, or many other suitable agricultural uses that do not adversly affect the surrounding zoning ordinance.

If it cannot be farmed to turn a profit; don't blame the ground!

Before I bought my farm in 1989, it was deemed "Unfarmable".

Surprise, Surprise!!! It somehow became farmable the minute I purchaced it.
Its Magic!

If they cannot farm the ground and turn a profit, then they should sell it (At a huge profit, by the way) to someone that can.

And now for the ultra-ultra-ultra right wing knuckleheads that will state, " Well why don't YOU just buy the land?"
Answer: put the land up for sale for market value, and it will sell, period.

This entire fiasco is a sickening measure of todays society, IMHO.

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