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June 29, 2008


I have never had any desire to live in a senior community. I can see the advantage of living where there are lots of recreational opportunities. The drawback to that is, provided the development provides those options, you usually pay fees on a monthly basis which make it only a choice for those with a lot of money anyway. We know we can't stay here on the farm forever. There will come a time we just can't do it and frankly 25 miles to anywhere gets old for someone who is old. Still, we love the rural life and will stay as long as we can.

On the senior discounts, sometimes those start at 55. When there is a senior rate, I admit I ask for it, and have had some funny responses including being asked for my ID-- shades of being underage only in reverse. Generally I think most places will not ask for the very reason you mentioned.

About 15 years ago (the good old days when I was in my mid-40's) I was astonished when the clerk asked for my ID as I set some beer on the counter. "This is a joke, right?" "No, I need to see your ID." "You also need to see your eye doctor."

I tend to look a little younger than my age, but this was ridiculous. I showed her my ID, something I hadn't been required to do for about 20 years and know won't happen again, for beer anyway. "You're sure you aren't putting me on?" Not even a glimmer of a smirk from either the clerk or her associate. Weird.

Now that I'm pushing 60 it's disturbing to think that these are the good old days.

Aging sucks. Do what you can while you can.

It'll be over in a flash.

But that flash is always right now. THIS is it and all it ever could be.

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