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May 10, 2008


Thank you for bringing this to the surface.
Of course, our local fishwrapper would have to admit that they were wrong in their position regarding M-49 in order to print this piece.
Also, thanks again for all of your hard work on burying M-37.
Even though M-37 is an ugly memory, we musn't forget the lessons learned.
Next time, and you just know there will be more lame, knuckleheaded attempts to pave Oregon over, next time we will be ready.
I find that I'm reading my voters pamphlet much closer now days.

I have lost a lot of faith in newspapers or any news media. They are shills for a system they want in place and it's all about money. I trust very little to tell me what's going on anymore. I am happy to learn about this through your blog.

Laurel and Brian...

Thanks for all your hard work in preventing the big money interests from creating measure 37 Sprawl in our State.

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