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April 04, 2008


Looked good to me. I'm amazed at how many variations there are on the Yang style long form. So many similarities, yet so different. Recently I've worked out with two different group whose footwork is virtually identical to what I learned. The hand and arm movements, however, are very different.

BTW, great looking finish on that deck.

Randy, Tai Chi forms are indeed wonderfully diverse in their similarities. Whereas I found that Japanese Shotokan karate was decidedly anal in the commitment to keep forms precisely the same (maybe you could do something slightly different once you became a 3rd degree black belt), Taoist Tai Chi has much more of a hang loose "whatever" attitude.

I like that. My instructor is always offering up alternative ways of performing a move in a form. As long as the timing stays roughly the same, different people in our class often are doing different things during a form.

As regards the ending, I thought it was pretty good myself. But in my effort to appear egoless (which is easier than actually being egoless) I didn't want to point it out until someone mentioned it. Thanks.

I assume you meant the Cheng Man Ching (empty hand) form, though the endings in both forms are fairly tricky. I often fall into the kick, which is easy to do. This time I felt in control coming down.

I was talking about the empty hand form. Re: anality. The form I learned (and practice) second hand from a student of Kai Ying Teng (http://www.tungkaiying.com/forms_slow.shtml) didn't allow us much leeway in performing the moves though I noticed that every time our teacher returned from the annual confab with the Master the form had slightly changed. So, I'm now doing my own variations as I see fit. (There's a pattern here).

much work you still need. Remember one of the most important parts of tai chi is your center. Imagine a pole going from the tip of your skull through your body into your pericardium. Keep this pole straight up and down you will increase your skill.

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