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March 09, 2008


Ewwww, I feel urpy now. ;)

It reminds me of all the "patriotic" stuff that came out right after 9/11. Red, white, and blue "Chesapeake Bay" candles...made in China. CDs of patriotic music...made in China. Wait, one was made in Canada, does that count? Polyester flags of every size...made in China.

What immediately struck me is that the bathing suit pictured looks like the new flag of the Confederated States (or whatever they're called) from the TV show 'Jericho'.

I guess some people are getting ready for the big blast!

Remember when it was frowned on to patch the hole in the seat of your jeans with anything that even resembled the flag? My, how times do change...

And what's up with that little girl in the red boots being cheered on as she steps on the cake? Is this some form of cultural tradition? Weird!

If you are a little more observant you will see China's leaders do wear Chinese flag lapal pins. Also, the national color of China is red and Chinese do wear a lot of red expecially during Chinese New Year celebration. I think it's great that Americans are proud of their flag. I also think if you look around, it's not uniquely American to be proud of your country and its flag.

I know....the cultish cake stomping while being cheered on freaks me out!! No like.

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