Here's a great example why blogging is so satisfying. I can go to my Outlook inbox and find an email from a guy who runs a Russian dance blog.
Dear Brian! My name is Ivan Makarov. I am from Russia. I am webmaster of the So I am writing to let you know that I like your dance related posts. Thank you for your writing. I've found your site via google and decided to translate some of your posts to Russian, for posting on my own site.
What a kick. Ivan chose to share my "Tango, where men lead and women follow." Naturally I had to see how my words looked in Cyrillic.
Перед тем как мы начали заниматься танго, мы с Лорел брали уроки по Свингу западного побережья (West Coast Swing). Практически постоянно женщина-инструктор начинала урок словами: «Мужчина, это ваш шанс! В танце вы должны вести женщину. Пользуйтесь моментом! Всё остальное время на неделе она будет вести а вы следовать».
To connect in such a hands across the sea fashion – this is a big reason why I keep on blogging. Some people say that spending hours in front of a computer isolates you. Actually, I find that it's just the opposite.
I expand my horizons through my laptop and DSL connection. In this case, all the way to Russia.
Laurel and I love to watch America's Ballroom Challenge on PBS. Many of the top professionals who take part in the challenge have Russian names. In fact, two Russians won this year: Andrei Gavriline and Elena Kryuchkova.
"Russia" and "dancing" are words that go hand in hand. As a dancing semi-beginner, I'm honored to have a dance-related blog post translated into Russian.
Cпасибо, Ivan. (if I just said something weird, rather than "thanks," it's this site's fault)
The intarweb isn't all bad, I tell ya. It has uses.
Posted by: Bpaul | March 03, 2008 at 10:03 PM