Oh, yeah. Now I've really jumped into the Democratic deep waters, after a lifetime of swimming around as an independent.
Today I made a pilgrimage to see the reason I became a Democrat: Barack Obama. He came to Salem this afternoon. An hour late, but he made it.
Guess I can't complain (though I do on the video below), since it took me several decades to make myself into a Democrat – and someone who cares enough about a presidential candidate to go to quite a bit of trouble to hear him speak.
It turned out that Laurel and I didn't need the tickets that I so proudly acquired a couple of days ago. Nobody checked if we had them, probably because the Salem Armory ended up not being completely filled with Obama supporters.
But it almost was. And they were damn enthusiastic. For a couple of hours sleepy Salem woke up. Amazing.
I especially enjoyed the energy of the many young people. They made this baby boomer recall his 60's activism, a twenty something wild about changing the world.
Here's how I saw Obama, through the eyes of my Flip Video. Three hours condensed into less than ten minutes. We weren't one of the first to arrive (I'm not that avid a Democrat) so got seats pretty far back.
Hey, if you want a close up of Obama, watch CNN. If you want to see what it's like to stand in line for a chance to see Obama far away, watch my You Tube video.
[Update: Look! Proof! We were featured in a Statesman Journal photo of the event today! Well, by "featured" I mean that we're the two tiny heads a bit below, and to the left, of the waist of the woman raising her hand. Get out your magnifying glass.]
The Obama Man Can:
Posted by: Condor | March 25, 2008 at 08:18 PM