So what does it mean when 23 progressive Oregon women, feminists all, say they're supporting Barack Obama – 22 to 1?
Pretty clearly, Hillary Clinton's campaign is sinking. If she doesn't have the support of female middle-aged Democratic activists, I think she's done for.
Since I'm for Obama, last night it was music to my ears when a friend told me about this informal poll of a group of women who get together regularly to talk about politics and whatever.
She was surprised that Obama was the almost unanimous candidate of choice, since these women had been looking forward to a female presidency for so long.
But Obama's electability, personality, and potential to pull our divided country together overcame their feminist predilections. And that bodes well for both Obama and the Democratic Party.
I rarely agree with Robert Novak, the guy who outed Valerie Plame. However, his call for someone to tell Hillary, "It's over," rings true to me. I also agree that she'd be a much weaker opponent of McCain than Obama would.
Clinton's burden is not only Obama's charisma but also McCain's resurrection. Some of the same Democrats who short months ago were heralding her as the "perfect" candidate now call her a sure loser against McCain, saying she would do the party a favor by just leaving.
Yes, it seems like it's just a matter of time. And that time should come sooner rather than later.
Twenty-two to one, Hillary. Your base has spoken: "We want Obama."
well she's got Ted and Darlene's superdelagate votes no matter what. So it may not matter how us commoners vote. Thanks Democratic party.
Posted by: | February 25, 2008 at 07:43 PM
super delegates can change their minds; so their votes are not givens-- even if they say they are after all, what can you believe that a politician says anyway...
Posted by: Rain | February 27, 2008 at 07:57 AM
Two more unscientific polls are these. First, my mother, her brother, her younger sister, and my two lifelong Republican aunts, who among them have never agreed on anything or anyone, ALL support Senator Obama. One aunt (one of the lifelong Republicans) just moved to Washington, and registered as a Democrat so that she could go to her caucus and vote for Obama. Second is the result of that caucus, which Senator Obama won, 37 to 1, in a very rural part of the state.
Posted by: Isaac Laquedem | February 28, 2008 at 11:38 PM