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February 16, 2008


Good comment, but don't forget the famous quote from JFK's inaugural address when he said: "The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God."

It would be ridiculous for me to think that the only reason that I am allowed to think is because people got together and said that it is okay for people to think. I will think regardless. I know that within my being I have the inherent right to think. Since I don't believe in a supreme being, I obviously don't believe in "god-given rights" but natural rights? Yes. If I have to pee, I pee. Maybe people can get together and reasonably say that I can't pee out in the middle of the street, but if they get together and say that I can't pee ever, I will pee regardless. I believe that I have the inherent right to pee. There are many things which I feel I have the inherent right to do, like self-defense. If somebody swings their arm to hit me, I will raise my arms to try to block the blow. Maybe people can get together and reasonably say that I can't use deadly force unless my life is at risk, but if they get together and say that I must keep my hands at my sides if I am attacked, I will raise my arms regardless. I have the inherent natural right to raise my arms if I am attacked.

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