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February 06, 2008


Well, those folks are real big fans of the "Will of the Voter" until Will doesn't give them what they think they ought to have.

Then it's "it's so unfair, people just don't understand".

We understand. We understand all too well. It's the people who voted against M37 at first and who voted for M49 who see things clearly.

If the "Will of the Voter" can turn a bad idea into a good one (M37) then it'd be only fair to conclude that Will can confirm the validity of a good idea (M49)

Good piece and true. It seems it is so often environmental standards vs making money in this country and it takes a lot to make people see that the environment in which they live (reasonably planned development being part of it) matters more than the dollars that can't actually buy the things that matter most.

Brian, you all forget....we were here long before you. We are saying the same as you.

"Many thousands of Oregonians, including neighbors of ours, figured that when they bought land to build a house the zoning of surrounding acreages wouldn't be changed willy-nilly."

It's the same mantra. It isn't fair to change it after it's bought. We bought and your 'friends' changed it. That's not fair.

BTW...weeks out on the DLCD M-49 letters...I'm still waiting for mine. I'll bet the date on my letter will be long before it arrives.

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