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February 18, 2008


Hey, it's off-topic, but I came upon this site at http://www.obamawill.com/ and it's wonderful and funny. And...my wife, a Clinton supporter, read it and said it's the first thing she's seen that inclines her towards Obama. Go figure.

Good for you on the switch. I'd have been an independent also except for voting in primaries. I have never had one though that I feel as positive about as this one and Obama. I think the democratic party will find it faces a big loss if it doesn't do right by Obama if he comes out of the primaries with the most votes.

Uh Oh, we're about to get into a family debate. I'm a big Clinton supporter and I say to Obama; if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Come on Dad, welcome to how politics have been run since the beginning of time, of course it's all decided by political insiders. Maybe if Obama had more experience and contacts, he wouldn't be in this position. It's all about who you know! Go Hillary!!!!

Hey, beloved daughter, who happens to favor the wrong candidate: if Hillary had a better ability to get votes from ordinary Americans, she wouldn't be in a position of needing to scrounge superdelegates.

I'm sure you'll support Obama when he becomes the Democratic candidate. And when he turns out to be a great president, I look forward to hearing, "Dad, you were right about Barack."

Of course I'll support Obama. We are lucky to have two great candidates. What's not to like about Obama? Although I tried to read his book "The Audacity of Hope" and kept falling asleep. I may be wrong but didn't the American people vote for Gore but still Bush became President because of a select group of judges. It will never end.......

Why are people so crazy about this guy? Because he's a glib orator who talks about hope and change (how original) and isn't Bush?

I think it is astonishing how the media props him up. Gotta hand it to him. He's slick as a greased weasel. We'll see what happens when he and McCain go head to head on the issues, but it looks like Obama is seen as the second coming and will win big on a deluded public's high hopes, ignorance and unrealistic dreams.

The perfect ticket. Obama n Clinton or Clinton n Obama. Which choice is yours? Me, Either Or .

I live in an open primary state, so I could vote for whomever I wished.

I hear all the newspapers that endorsed Bush in 2004 have endorsed Obama in 2008. Lots of Republican donors are giving him money too.

He's ROLLING in cash. ;)

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