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February 28, 2008


Ha! I saw the title and thought it'd be some riff about ultra-conservative American Protestantism and it's inbred distrust of dancing as possibly some sort of satanic influence. Of course I was raised in just such a background and surely that will color my perceptions... er... assumptions for the rest of my life.

Y'know, I'd never really thought about the relationship angle you mention. But it makes total sense, having read and briefly pondered your post.

One of these days I'd love to be able to take dance classes with my Significant Other. God I hate that term but it's the only one that really fits my situation. Anyway, it's been a dream of mine for several years now. Largely to help me get that damn ingrained belief that "white guys can't dance," which was always confirmed every time I tried, outta my head. But at least these days I don't have to be darn near stone drunk before I can gather the courage to at least try.

Excellent post. What makes people tick has fascinated me my entire life and your post totally feeds that fascination. Thanks!

My Mom taught ballroom dancing in her pre-wed period. She was my teacher, at a young age. You appreciate these things when, in your 40's and single, you are the only women who can really dance at an event. Older men are reluctant to believe you can polka, foxtrot and mainly waltz. It is a quaranteed cheap night for you. Dancing girls do not buy! It is true grace to be in sync with a very good lead. I taught several of my friends so we could dance together when the pickings were slim. This behavior got us thrown out of a club for "bein lesbians".
I'm from Texas, what country are you from? Woo Hoo!

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