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February 26, 2008


More atheists are speaking out which might someday change this situation as people find out they don't have horns and plot evil deeds any more frequently than the so-called religious. I think it's a shame that people don't separate religion from spirituality as often it's religion that they are angry at not whatever spiritual power might be behind the universe.

As a strict Catholic-turned-aethist (like so many more that are turning each day), through simple logical thought, with energetic debate, and without any formal philosophical education, I have concluded the same thing...this whole "god" thing really is an "extra" in people's mentality. People don't need it, they only think they do. Fundamentally, it makes no sense. What I find most peculiar is the perception that atheism is in many ways equated to satanism, for which Satan is something we equally don't believe in. When growing up Catholic, I was taught pagan=bad. However, this is so not the case. It is a shame that such things are taught with such bias. I am glad that I have come to the conclusion that we are fully capable of being kind, caring, compassionate, patriotic, and family-oriented--all without God. This puts lots of responsibility on us--and only us. We can't cop out when we fail, but we can reap the intangible benefits of our related achievements of simply being kind, caring, compassionate, patriotic, and family-oriented humans. We are not apathetic. We are not evil. We are atheists. We are as American as anyone else.

"God is an Atheist, He can't believe how some people are so full of it".
If you believe:
1. Making a mental note that Jesus does exit, gets you into Heaven.
2. Atheists go to Hell.
3. Christains go to Heaven.
4. Jesus Acended into Heaven.
5. Jesus walked on water, healed the sick, and raised the Dead.
6. Your old body comes to life again after 3 days.
7. Virgins give birth.
8. Asking God to forgive you on your death bed grants you forgiveness.
9. Mary is a Goddess.
10. The Bible is the word of God and man did not tamper with it.
11. Jesus died for you.
12. God can hurl lightning bolts.

You could be full of it. God said Man put his own hand in the bible. It is not the true word of God. Take heed, "God has returned".

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