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January 13, 2008


What a great and honest review! I actually ordered the Y510 today after hearing about it for the first time. I was actually a bit sketchy. A good friend of mine had told me about an Office Depot sale today, the Y510 was going for $528 (or so). I immediately researched it online and found out about it's specs and that it was an IBM brand. I was immediately pleased, it definitely beats the HP/Compaq dv2700t that I wanted to buy for $2,216. Office Depot is giving me the laptop with the 2 GB of RAM, 250 GB of storage that I wanted in that HP, including the integrated webcam, Dolby Sound System, etc, etc. This is just such a great buy. I'm excited to get it!

We've had our Lenovo Y510 for about two weeks. It has made us very happy - great keyboard, great sound, nice video, good battery life (o far). Really, the nicest laptop I have ever used. The last computer I bought new was an Amiga 1200 back in 1992! I'll be very happy when I get my rebates from Office Depot. Playing a DVD is just dazzling. The face recognition software works great.

Thanks for your interesting and well written review.

I missed the sale at office depot... If anyone hears of such a sale again.. Please let me know! :) my email is [email protected]

They had them on sale for under $600 (after rebates) at the OD here in KY. I picked one up and like it a lot so far. Seems like a great buy.

david...this laptop is still for sale at OD, but you should call today, as the $185 in rebates, end tomorrow.

I missed the sale at Office Depot that ended March 15, 2008 for $599.99 after $185.00 in rebates. That was for the 2G Ram, 250 Gig HD, with T2330 processor. If anyone hears of this for under $600.00 again, please let me know at [email protected]

Thnx, Allczar

Has anyone had an issue while chatting? My lenovo is great except that everone complains that they don't understand a word I say when we chat using Skype, Google Talk etc. My voice is apparently all distorted. I'm thinking of getting a replacement to see if it is some issue with the piece I have.


Picked one up at OD for $499
This is a very well built and attractive notebook,especially considering the cost.Lenovo makes great products.

Hello friends. being in India, laptops were always a dream for common folks like me. Everything has changed now. My friend in USA is going to purchase a lenovo y 510 for me. hooray( want to know the specification of my present computer, a celeron 266 with 64 mb ram and 14 gb hdd................dont laugh..

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