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January 05, 2008


I am for him also and am hoping the country can see what is possible with him. Most of the points you made are what I have also been thinking; so can only say-- yeah, right on! *s*

I think Edwards provides a more direct and unflinching view of what will happen on the ground the day the speeches are over, but there is something to be said for the initial establishment of a common cause.

One thing I'm unclear on is how the Obama movement plans to execute their will once their man assumes the Presidency. Planning wise, is that the end goal? Obviously the President will not be running "Decide my Middle East Policy" internet votes among Obama Nation if he wins, but if it's a movement, does everyone clap and then go back to hoping we get the leadership we want?

Obama has proven that he can move a large mass of people to bear towards an honest reformation of corporate politics and economics in America, if he chooses. That is by nature a partisan fight. It is not D vs R, it is public interest vs monied interest, and the money will fight back. Hard. That's where my concern lies--will he build a genuine movement and then let his natural inclination for inclusivity prevent serious change? If he can show that he'll take his power to lead and truly will lead with it, I'll be on board. He's got all session this winter and spring to lead in the Senate. I'll be watching.

And I should say there's already common cause, as I think Edwards outlined last night--more of the Clinton era isn't really what we want to go back to, either. Wouldn't you like to see Barack and John make it a tough choice just between them as soon as possible? Her machine is a house of cards.

It's really disappointing that he came in second but he is the best candidate, the most positive and intelligent.

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