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January 01, 2008


Hooray for Brian! Where one has gone, many can follow!

Just where is this DSL coverage? I know you don't live too far from me, and I'd gladly be responsible for another $25 in your pocket. ;>

Deb, if you emailed me (link in top of sidebar)I could tell you where the DSL coverage is. Basically it's along Liberty Road south of Bunker Hill Road to the Ankeny Road area.

Thanks Brian! Our DSL service (billing) started yesterday and the modem arrived the day before. It's been 10 years since I had reliable internet from a modem that actually plays nice wirelessly. Actually, I have to wait a bit longer. As part of the remodel I hardwired a new kitchen computer base station in anticipation of DSL (put in dual RGC6 too in case someone ever wants to go back to satellite. bleh.). Although everything's wired at the outlets, I still have to crawl back up in the attic and figure out which of the million little telecom wires goes where. Wheeee....
Fortunately, our satellite broadband (HughesNet) works in most rain still, ever since they pointed it at a different satellite after much complianing. So, I just need to get DSL working before the next sat bill cycle so I can stop sending $60 a month to the rural SSalem boradband former monopoly known as Hughes.
As for your statue, you deserve it. Please accept our $25 contribution, payable from Qwest. ;)
Mike M
Liberty Road.
(R&D engineer for Hewlett Packard, competitor of Lenovo.....but that's a different post. :)

When I was younger I was incarcerated. The crimes although petty and debateable are of no matter here. But, one day I came across a pocket sized version of the Tao Te Ching. Even at my fairly young age I was intrigued. I loved how overwhelming the message was. Ever since, although inconsistently, I have pursued these teachings. I carry the Tao te Ching with me practically every where I go. I have also started reading the Basic Writings of Chuang Tzu and have tried unsuccesfully many times to utilize that oracle of fortune we call the Book of Change(I ching). I really feel as though I will never turn back and totally abandon the Way but I have a lot to "unlearn". Maybe you could refer me to some sources or give me a wee bit of guidance, because it feels as though I'm lost.

Joshua, I replied to your comment via a post on my other Church of the Churchless blog. See:

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