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December 12, 2007


There is a stark difference in political organizing and even art even participation when a town has a good community radio station. I really hope this comes through for you, it will make liveability much greater in that area.

Gah, that's "art evenT" T

I contribute generously to KBOO here in Portland, even if I only listen to it occasionally. I think it's essential to good local culture.


I am a new Intake Generalist at Goodwill Job Connection in Salem, Oregon. The reason I am contacting your radio station is to let you know of our free job placement assistance service in helping individuals find employment. We have Employment Specialists that have access to information about jobs that people outside our network do not have. The Goodwill JOB CONNECTION Employment Specialists have a high placement rate; in 2007 alone, we assisted 6,014 program participants in finding employment. We also have free Resource Room that assists anyone in the community with their job search by these and other ways: creating or reformatting their resume, giving typing skill assessment tests, assisting with on-line job searches and applications, conducting mock interviews to help job seekers improve their skills for the job market. (These services are available to youth that are of an employable age.) When the unemployment rate is so high we can and do put a serious dent in that problem but we want to do more. We are having a Job Fair and which will be on Sept. 25th from 8:30am to 11:00 am. Could you help with a little coverage for this event?

Best regards,

Intake Generalist
Goodwill Job Connection
3535 Lancaster Drive NE Salem, OR 97305
[email protected]

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