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November 06, 2007


Guess what! Carole has the coffee maker out, the water is in it, and she'll put the right amount of coffee in it! all we have to do is plug it in. How's that for a good omen?

You can still come early to help as there will be much to do.

You are so funny.

This might be of interest... posted it on my blog:

The Dem turnout statewide is 50%, at the moment the Repub turnout is trailing by 3%.

This is interesting.

Let’s take a look at how previous elections have worked… in 2004, GOP turnout was 0.89% greater than Dem turnout. In 2002, GOP turnout was 3.27% higher than Dem turnout.

So a 3% turnout advantage to Dems is very, very, very favorable.

Win or lose, I think I'm gonna have a hangover tomorrow

Thanks, Aileen.

But what if the coffee maker has an incompatible polarized plug? What if we need an extension cord? What if a circuit breaker flips?

I won't relax until the coffee is made. And Measure 49 has passed.

Forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong place, but I'm trying to get this Yes on 49 video I made as much exposure as I can in the few hours in which it might still make a difference:


"A last-minute plea to Oregon voters to get down to your local ballot drop-off point (myself I prefer the library), and vote yes on Measure 49. Help keep Oregon livable and sustainable!"

The idea is that you can forward it to someone you know who needs to be browbeat (in a nice way) into voting yes on 49 :)

Well it looks like your prediction came true! Thanks for your hard work. I hope that sleezy development near you does not get vested and allowed to go on just because the developer has done significant illegal work. My wife has worked at least four hours a day on the Yes on 49 campaign for the past month and it sure is rewarding to see that my fellow Oregonians have seen the 'wolf in sheep's clothing' that was M37!

I am happy to see that Measure 49 passed with about the percentage you had predicted. Oregonians once again went with quality life over money. Congratulations to the voters. It still allows more development than the past but not the crazy kind that is throwing subdivisions in the middle of farm land. For country living people, this is a victory for the farm and ranch. It might not allow some big property owners to head off for Hawaii with their profits but it allows them to build reasonable home numbers on their own land and pass that right on. I think it's a good compromise

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