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November 02, 2007


Well I hope you are right. Out here I see about half the signs for each. You can tell usually that the sign saying vote No is someone who wants to subdivide big time or put in a gravel works or something equally big. That might help others, who also live out, to realize what voting No could mean to their lifestyle. Hopefully Oregonians will realize that the only drawback to 49 is for developers and exploiters of land. We already voted YES and hope it's how you predict when the votes are counted.

Here's my prediction, and unlike the Dick Hughes, of the SJ, I'll offer some basis for my prediction.

No one who voted against Measure 37 will vote against Measure 49 (with the possible exception of a negligible number of hard-core anti-37 types who believe 49 gives away too much).

If one out of ten people who voted FOR 37 now regret their vote, 49 wins. From those with whom I've talked, more like a third of the pro-37 voters now doubt the wisdom of that vote.

I did vote. I've talked with lots of people who didn't even vote when 37 was on the ballot. They've voted now too.

This reamins a battle of haves verses have nots. The quality of life you speak of only revolves around you. You turn a blind eye to your neighbors because you are an elitist.

Your concerns about continuing to farm...and just what are you farming on so small a piece of land (crop dusting 20 acres???)...are unfounded as all counties have the 'right to farm' clause. Every home has to sign off on it.

I and those I've talked with have voted.

NO on 49.

By golly, I believe Debbie is right!
This issue is all about the "haves" and "have-nots".
Thank you Debbie for pointing that out.
Thankfully, Measure 49 supporters "have" the vast majority of votes.
I would hate to be on the side of "have nots"


I disagree with you assertion that this is a debate between the haves and the havenots. For one, this is not supported by the research on past votes relating to land-use in Oregon. Historically support for land-use planning has cut across income levels and geography.

Secondly, both opponents and proponents of Measure 49 are largely the haves: those who have property in land. Those who don't own land still have lots at stake, even if they don't always recognize it and vote accordingly.

However the pool of eligible Measure 37 claimants is a limited population that can only really grow with inheritance. Hence what is at stake for non-landowners isn't the opportunity to develop land.

What is at stake for non-landowners is the right- through the land-use planning system- to have a voice in land-use decisions. Measure 37 largely wipes out their voices by eliminating the weighing of development rights against other public values by state and local government. Measure 49 helps restore this balance to some degree.

Jim Labbe

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