« Measure 37 bulldozers roll as Marion County ignores Measure 49 | Main | Details of Larry Craig’s gay sex come out »

November 30, 2007


Good luck. I hope the county does the right thing. I always expect the moneyed interests to persevere, but exceptions happen.

We have a very similar situation here, just down the road. The Haffner subdivision on 100-plus acres of beautiful Lane County farmland and native oak/oak savannah habitat has been pressing forward in similar fashion, trying to justify "vested" status before Dec. 6. Limited water. Narrow, winding roads. Erosion issues. Known arsenic deposits in the soil likely to be disturbed ... the whole thing is absurd.

I thought M37 was supposed to be about letting people follow through on their original intent when they bought the property 30-some years ago.

Well, the Haffners ran cattle on that land for decades. The "hereford ranch" sign is still visible from the road. The property was nowhere near the city of Eugene. In fact, I'm betting they chose that property for their ranch partly because it was well out of town.

Now... dozens of homes and irreparable scars on the land. Noise and light pollution. Groundwater worries for people living down the hill from them... amazing. I hope Lane County does exactly what you are talking about in Marion County.

All of your comments are fine and well, but responding to "greenlink" 11/30/07, what about longtime property owners that WHERE parceling out lots before SB100 and LCDC rezoning and were stopped from continuing their plans? In our case, we sold four lots abutting a lake in 1969-70 and added onto three others to allow the owners enough land for an approved septic field and were STOPPED by downzoning. Now, we want to build our own retirement place (that's one of three lots under M-49) and sell five more to fund it. Under M-49 we're limited to three lots. We want toleave the rest of the land in timber production for our children. Is this fair? We HAD a "plan". We were selling a modest amount of highly desirable lots. Do you constitutional rights trump our rights? Isn't one of the tenents of the US and Oregon Constitutitution to protect a minority from a majority? Don't we have the constitutional right to do as we had clearly been planing and actually doing or, do our rights mean less than yours? Don't you fear setting precident leading to a socialist state? Just wait until you get victumized by having your rights suppressed.

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