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October 12, 2007


Brian, Brian, Brian...YOU want the government to protect YOUR real estate investment. YOU don't like that 'they' changed the rules/laws after YOU bought. Give it a rest. Pro 49 has over $1.3 to work on promoting...all the ma and pa's with their 37 claims have only $300K I see where the big money is.

And just where is this land that was zoned for all this horrible commercial/industrial development pre SB100? Try to remember...it had to be zoned for it to apply for a M37 to get it back.

Eagle, I explained in this post that the Laack subdivision near us was zoned for AR (acreage residential) use prior to SB 100. The owner had several years to start his subdivision.

He decided not to. Then SB 100 reclassified this high value farmland as what it is: high value farmland.

That's how it would have ended up if Measure 37 hadn't conned voters into giving a few landowners special rights.

Fortunately, Measure 49 will restore the rights of us and our neighbors.

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