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October 09, 2007


Brian, you can get talk radio, and talk tv, on your ipod through the magic of Podcasts. A few good ones: Best of the Left Podcast, Realtime with Bill Maher, Ring of Fire, Democracy Now, and Meet the Press.

The nice thing is that you can listen to shows at your own leisure, and minus the commercials. Back when the Al Franken show was still on, I could listen to the whole 3 hour show everyday while at work, stopping and starting the show as necessary. Couldn't do that if I was listening to the live radio show.

I hardly listen to music on my iPod anymore because I'm too busy trying to keep up with my podcast episodes.

I too have fallen in love with my iPod touch...in fact it's made me want to carry a full size iPod all over again!!

I happened to type in a google search for I love my iPod touch and arrived at your site...

Take care!

That's the same way I found your site. I too really love my touch, and in fact I'm using it to make this post right now. Hope you and your touch have a great relationship. =)

I cant get onto the internet with my itouch. What steps do I have to take to be able to use that option?

Saundra, assuming you're in a wi-fi location, have you checked to see that wi-fi is enabled on your iPod touch?

From the main screen, click "settings" (bottom row on right). The Wi-Fi enabler is on the top of the settings page. If it says "off," click on it and change the "off" to "on."

Keep in mind that when wi-fi is on, I'm pretty sure that considerably more battery power is used. If you're not connecting to the Internet, probably you should leave the wi-fi setting on "off." That's what I do, at least, and the battery seems to last quite a bit longer.

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