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October 17, 2007


The cognitive dissonance is astonishing.

In one sentence you make it clear that construction on this subdivision is illegal *now*. Then, you go on to claim that measure 49 is the only defense against property owners building whatever they want on their land.

Which is it? Obviously, if groundwater tests are required now, this isn't a measure 37 problem. It's a stupid/greedy person problem.

Another comment, if I may: If you want that land to be used for a vineyard, then buy the property yourself and use it for just that. No one is stopping you from offering a higher price so your vision can be realized.

No, Ben, often it's a political problem --which needs to be fixed by Measure 49. Oregon counties have weak groundwater protection ordinances. Marion County has one, but the Board of Commissioners ignored it.

Politicians shouldn't be making land use decisions based on their personal political beliefs ("I like Measure 37, so I'll let the subdivision move ahead.")

Measure 49 helps restore the rule of law and fairness to Oregon's land use system. It creates a more level playing field where neighbors have as many rights as a Measure 37 claimant.

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