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October 24, 2007


The lies in this campaign have been infuriating but then what's new! Yesterday, we got an excellent piece from Farm Bureau refuting the lies that are being put out about 49. I just hope people spend some time thinking about this, looking for information and not just jumping through the hoops with the first catchy phrase. I wrote about this in my own blog and also how our referral system works. It would be a good way to have a true democracy 'if' you have people who take the time to be informed. Unfortunately too many people don't do that and then it's the worst way. :(

or use their toll-free number: 888-land-use

I thought I just read "Fair debate requires that all participants represent their idease with integrity and sincerity" which I did. Why then isn't my previous letter posted, too much truth?

Rob, you posted your comment under a different post. I just responded to it. Head over to:

You see, unlike the deceptive OIA and Dave Hunnicutt, I do my best to tell things like they are and have an honest discussion of the issues.

OIA has been caught in so many lies, they should be horribly embarrassed. But it looks like those guys are beyond shame, they're so used to lying to Oregonians.

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