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October 03, 2007


You and your followers need to see this... http://measure49.blogspot.com/2007/10/measure-49-paying-school-yard-bully-to.html

Then you need to learn about the 4(d) rule.

I will sure be glad after the election and the M-37 PIG WITH LIPSTICK is fried once and for all.


Sorry to disabuse you of your ESA ramblings, but Federal law trumps Measure 37 (state law).

In other words, the Oregon legislature (and, by extension, the voters of the state) cannot pass a statute that overrules the reach of the ESA, passed by the US Congress. So your claims that Measure 49 will somehow allow the feds to dictate what you spray on your blackberries if you live next to a salmon bearing stream are irrelevant (but they sure make for good scare tactics!)

If you doubt me, ask any of the lawyers who work for OIA.

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