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September 14, 2007


If they're legally placed on private property, the only problem I have with them is that they're unsightly. But the ones I've noticed in Portland aren't legal. They're on public property along the freeway. Bad form, on top of ugly.

Jack, agreed. They should be on private property.

So they are unsightly. They are also privately produced, not part of a larger campaign. So they lack color and slickness. What they represent is an initiative by one person who recognizes the importance of what our land use system represents

Behind each and every one of those signs you can find a travesty of 37 at work. Measure 49 corrects the unanticipated consequences of Measure 37 while preserving the spirit and intent of the voters.

I am always stunned at the eagerness with which libs shoot arrows into their own peoples backs while adding arrows to the quivers of the enemy at the same time.

Go get em JACK

This is where the knuckleheads behind measure 37 are in for a shocking surprise.
A large bulk of measure 49 votes will come from good Oregon citizens that are the farthest thing from "libs".
Where were you when the hearings were taking place at the capitol?!!!
Watching American Idol?
Many great Oregon farmers testified there.
I am not a "lib".
I want to do with my property what I could do when I purchaced it. I want to continue to farm.
I am voting for measure 49 to allow my fellow farmers to have some flexibility, while at the same time retaining Oregon's excellent land use planning.
Surprise! Surprise!
Measure 49 will be voted in by a vast amount of conservative Oregon voters.

The signs I've seen violate election laws, I plan to file a complaint on monday. Don't worry though, since it's a lefty cause, the yes on 49 folks will only get a hand slap.

Where did you get the Yes signs. I am in Bend and there seem to be no signs here. Is there an ofice over here or do I have to go to Portland office of the campaign?

Larry, the Yes on 49 web site has sign pickup info:

The listing for your area says:
1155 NW Harmon Blvd.(map)
Carol Macbeth — 541-382-7557 (call first)

Get some signs. And urge people to vote "Yes" on Measure 49.

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