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September 20, 2007


ashley kicks ass

and looks really good too

her boobs are real

Believe me, China looks as beautiful (at least outside Bejing) as it does on TV. Anyone that has a chance to should to visit there. I was there in May 2006 with my wife (who is Korean).

I didn't care for Ashley that much. The first person I decided to root for got voted off (Chicken). I REALLY dislike the waitress, she's going to be off pretty quick as well.

I just watched the episode on youtube. I was busy last Thursday night and I forgot to set my vcr.

I don't know much about her physical abilities. Her being sick for most of the episode makes it difficult to judge. But from a psychological and social point of view - the short display we have seen so far indicates for me that she is most likely to turn out to be a train wreck who will be booted soon enough insofar as her team keeps losing the immunity challenges.

btw, the sceneries were really pretty.

I love Ash. Sexy as hell, nice attitude, the boobs and small outfits only help!

If you want the real Scoop, from a photographer who shot her when she was 19, here's the deal. She was no gymnast (although she likely took some gymnastics classes in high school), she had "different" fake boobs, smaller ones, when she was 19, and you have to admit, she does't look bad for a Mommy. She actually used to be a very sweet, if not incredibly ambitious, girl.

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