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September 24, 2007


You may have to get a court-ordered injunction?

These guys appear to be rushing ahead to "beat the clock", and, as you have pointed out, such bad faith won't result in vested rights.

One can only hope that those roads wasted $35,000+ of their funds...

This points up something about Oregon's land use planning that 37 superseded. 37 does not repeal land use planning in so many words, but it does have that effect.

Look at the date of purchase, then determine what land use laws and regulations were in effect.

The keystone of the planning system is Goal 1, public participation. If the property was purchased prior to the date Goal 1 was adopted, Patti, Sam, and Janet have zip, zero, nada obligation to pay the slightest attention to your concerns.

37 does in fact undermine the public's ability to have any say in how land is used.

And as to North Santiam Paving: their business plan holds the the principle that the only good ground is paved ground.

Peter, good estimate. A neighbor needs to have some grading work done and knows the going hourly rate for a D8, operator, and such. He and I mentally added up about $30,000 for the week's work.

Yes, it's almost certainly money wasted. Construction work without a permit isn't going to count toward vesting. I don't know why Laack and his co-owners would throw money away like that, but, hey, if people want to go broke on their Measure 37 claim, feel free.

However, the land will be worth more for a vineyard after Measure 49 passes if it isn't all messed up.

(The three home sites to which they'll be entitled will need to be clustered on the least valuable farmland, but the road construction is taking place on the best farmland -- crazy.)

The construction without permits says it all about Oregon lans use planning. Until we fix local government and the planning department
it won't matter about measure 37 and 49.

The local planning department in your area and around the state is the source of great
conflict, the average citizen is treated very different then the well connected.

None of the very questionable development in my area has anything to do with measure 37.

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