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September 06, 2007


I will always remember one of the hearings at the capitol.
Someone walked up and pinned a "Fix M-37!" tag one me. I looked around and loads of people had the sticker on their shirt.
No big deal. I was there to give my point of view and participate in our wonderful system.
At the next hearing, The OIA folks were stomping around with their own stickers, with body language from hell.
Stomping around with the most negitive body language, muttering, and murmering, uttering insults. I felt sorry for them.
On the other hand, I met several Measure 37 claimants over the course of the hearings that I truly supported.
One of them, as it unfolded in our conversation, is a cherry farmer that I hauled bees into his orchards, for a friend.
Measure 49 will be perfect for his goals.
Anyway, Most of the people that I know that have a measure 37 claim will be voting for 49.
OIA is out of touch with the will of the majority of claimants, in my opinion.

Your comments over the course of the M49 challenge have been very insightful, particularly in hind-sight (sry, hehe). Thanks so much for being a great example of activism for the community.

HarryV had it very right. OIA is also out of touch with most of those people that originally supported M37. They wanted to help the Grandma fund her retirement by building on her extra lot, but they never intended to let Plum Creek build 30,000 acres of residential units on what is now forest!

Thankfully, for the first time since they have had a chance to see the reality of M37 changes, OR citizens should now get a chance vote their will. I bet RhinoWatch is apoplectic at the possibility.

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