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August 04, 2007


I'm sure you really want to hear this, I asked for and got Qwest DSL in 4 days in Baker City, OR. We actually are in the middle of nowhere.

We live way beyond any hope for DSL but got the dish (HughesNet today) as soon as it became available and mostly are happy campers. It's not quite as fast as DSL but it for the most part (nothing in computers is for always) is trouble free, fast, and works dependably.

I am having the same problems with getting DSL in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Qwest is not responsive, they do not care and the nearest DSL line is only 1/8 of a mile away yet they have no interest in putting in any DSL.they also do not respond to any questions and in fact deny that they have any public hearings on this or any other subject.
I worked in Afghanistan and have DSL there in a war zone but in this third wold of Qwest, I cannot get anything.
James Hellerman

I have been experiencing the exact same problems with Qwest recently. I live in the mountains of Colorado where Qwest is the only provider available. 1/2 mile both North and South of our neighborhood have DSL through Qwest. Perhaps the most frustrating part about my situation is that I stopped and spoke with a Qwest field technician today around the corner from my house (our closest 'switch') where he was installing a T-1 for a neighbor of mine that was willing to pay $400+/mo for the service. The technician informed me that there was fiber running to that switch and that there are plenty of open 'fiber T-1 slots' available to provide the necessary backbone to make DSL available our neighborhood. The technician also informed me that there were over 150 active customers at the switch where he was working. Perhaps I'm wrong but it sure seems to me that 150+ potential DSL subscribers would be plenty of customers to spend the money and make the necessary switch upgrades.

I have spoken with numerous Qwest representatives over the last few years which never get me anywhere. I continually receive the same message "DSL is not available at your location." Why does it seem that no employee of Qwest has any knowledge of who can actually answer my questions? Today I was able to get our regional systems engineer on the phone to ask him my questions. He responded by telling me he would look into it and then return a call to me this afternoon - surprise, surprise he never returned a call.

As a former regional manager for a national contractor for Comcast I understand how difficult it is to get anything accomplished with a large company such as Qwest. However - with a bit of persistence I was always able to get in contact with someone whom was able to help me escalate my issues to get a straightforward answer to any of my questions. This sure does not seem to be the case with Qwest.

If anyone out there has made any progress in a similar situation – PLEASE let us know how you approached the situation. Good luck to the rest of you battling similar situations-

hcpc, in another post on this subject I described how I got DSL to our neighborhood: by writing the Qwest CEO directly. See:

A link to the letter I wrote is in the post. You could try doing the same thing. Worth a try, at least. The CEO (whose name I'm blanking out on) took over last year, I believe.

I'm quite sure that this did the trick, because when the local DSL manager called me, one of the first things he said was "I understand you wrote our CEO about your situation."

Methinks all it took was an email, or whatever, from someone high up in the Qwest food chain and suddenly our impossible to get DSL became possible.

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