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August 06, 2007


I'm sorry to say this, truly, but the Dems suck too. Lesser of two evils to be sure, but voting in continuing the illegal wiretapping (that could be better said, I know) PLEASE.


Sword rattling against Pakistan now? F'ing hell people


It's late and the first article spun this day into the wrong direction. Not to be a buzz kill (wow horrible pun there considering the subject of this post) but the dems are severely pissing me off right now.




We haven't seen the hornets out here but do have the various varieties of honey bees still doing well. The latest theory I had heard was they were being poisoned by the various chemicals used in modern farming.

Just set a date to go out to a friend's house in Estacada and build some new type of beehive that allows the bees a lot more freedom to build combs as they want, and therefore can be taken care of organically.

I'll be posting about it I'm sure, excited to have bees next year.

(recovered from the political negativity -- back to important stuff like honey and backyard gardens)


The Oregon State Beekeepers Association is not aware of a single verifiable case of CCD in Oregon, although we are listed oas one of the affected states.
We are aware of a few individuals that were unfortunate to have high loses, that are branding those losses as CCD.
We have deligates that are involved with the CCD workgroup with the USDA.

As far as wasps & hornets; check out:


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