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August 24, 2007


I hope Laurel gets to see a cougar one day (from a distance). Unfortuntely, many cougar sightings occur only when they are already on your back with their jaws clamped on your skull. Fortunately, in groups of two or more (dogs count) this risk is reduced. By yourself in cougar country, be prepared and alert. We're meat.

I lived in the Ashland-Medford vicinity for thirteen or so years. I regularly saw cougar tracks on our explorations, but never the critters that made them, although I suspect they saw us. We saw bear on various occasions which was exciting for everyone involved. All went ballistic in different ways. People, horses, dogs, bear were scattered everywhere, but I'm still here to tell about it.

I used to race horses in endurance rides of 50-100 miles which gave me the opportunity to see a lot of beautiful country in Oregon and No. Calif. I especially loved the Bend area because the footing was good for fast riding in addition to the great scenery. An outdoorsman's paradise.

We recently hiked this trail and headed up a deer trail along Whycus were the main trail crosses the creek. Our dog chased a cougar that was in the brush no more than 20 feet from my wife. we had two eight year olds with us and the big cat ran from the dog and doubled back through the brush to run in front of me, my father in law and the two boys. It was a spooky walk up and out of the canyon after that. October 2009

Don't turn left on Goodrich Road, turn left on Holmes Road. Kind of important mistake there. I wonder how many people got lost and died.

Ranger Rick, I don't think anyone has died on Goodrich Road, or even gotten lost on Goodrich Road. Goodrich is the road before Holmes. Both Goodrich and Holmes will get you to the trailhead.

As noted in this post, Sullivan's book has directions via Goodrich Road. So does this Medford Mail Tribune piece about Alder Springs.

This person used Holmes Road:

No big deal. Maybe your comment was a joke. But I don't think it's appropriate to joke about people dying. Find another way to express your humor, if that's what you were trying to do.

July 18; does anyone have recent experience crossing Whychus Creek to get to Alder Springs (is the Creek high, require a rope to cross, etc??) Also, what ranger station might I contact to get current conditions of the creek. Thanks

"Cougar Springs"??

My wife and I hiked down to Alder Springs for the first time a few days ago, Aug. 15, 2011 -- a beautiful hike all the way, from the sagebrush/juniper ridgeline down the canyon and to the Creek.

We saw several prints on a mud bank just downstream from the near side of the ford that were quite clear, big, and no claw-marks -- just the paw prints. Had to be a cat of some kind...

Does anyone know when they close the gate to the Alder Spgs. trailhead for the Winter?

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