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July 01, 2007


Plotinus? Plato . . . neo-Platonism . . . humanism . . . Giordorno Bruno . . .

Oh, dear, I hope the Clements out there don't follow this too far; it may confirm their suspicions of you.

Richard, like Popeye said, "I yam what I yam."

But regarding Plotinus, he's one of those philosopher mystics who flies lots of ways. Augustine loved him, and absorbed (stole?) the core of Plotinus' Neoplatonism into Christian thought.

At the same time, Plotinus is marvelously non-religious. He taught that we're all connected with the One when we're not busy being Many.

Philosophically, Measure 37 is all about manyness, separating neighbor against neighbor, elevating one person's rights above another's.

I like to think that Plotinus would be on the side of truth, beauty, and goodness that is the Measure 37 fix we'll be voting on in November.

He sounds like it; I encountered him through Florentine figures like Ficino, and the unfortunate Bruno who lit up the Campo de' Fiori.

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