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July 13, 2007


Dear Brian,

Good luck.

Robert Paul Howard

Dear Brian & Laurel,
Thank you for all of the hard work and sweat that you have invested in our states future.
I am very happy to hear that you are going to appeal the knuckleheads decision, as this could set serious precident for many similar limited groundwater disputes.
Once we get your situation settled, we need to seriously address the issue of replacements for Commissioners.
Thanks again for all that you do!
Harry Vanderpool

Harry, we agree with you. We hope some strong candidates will run against Brentano and Milne.

And that when the voters hear that their current county commissioners couldn't care less about people's wells going dry, or respecting the county's ordinances, they'll see the need to elect law-abiding, fair-minded replacements.

...and I meant every word that I said over there.

Certainly it's not just about you, but you are doing the yeoman's leadership job down there, and I think you deserve the credit for having the courage to stand up for you and your neighbors.

I seriously don't think I'd have that sort of courage.

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