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June 29, 2007


Because I do not have the female form that is most admired today (unfortunately when I did have it, Monroe and Mansfield were most admired) I seem to always be on the losing end of this stick-- so to speak. Because of that, I am caught with the dilemma you mention. Do I show my arms, bare midriff, legs, when I know they don't meet the current criteria for beauty? Should I most concern myself with what others think-- ie those outside my body-- or what I think which is that more air on body feels good? I keep hearing these-- cover up if body is not perfect, but there are very few bodies over the age of 50 that are perfect-- male or female. Anyway I think you raise a serious issue, worth discussing but no matter what others say, in the end, it's what we feel good about and if that's wearing a bikini or low rider jeans, with fat hanging out, well look away there are plenty of youthful, thin bodies to please those who are disturbed by older and less fit forms :)

women's bodies have been hated and admired over time for the very same reasons. These bikini clad women immediately brought to mind the Venus of Willendorf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf
And I guearantee you that these ancient bodies weren't created by eating Cheetos and high fructose corn syrup. Maybe not to
your cup of tea but someone found these images important thousands of years ago. Food for thought. Cheers!

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