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May 16, 2007


Measure 37 should stand as it is. We voted for it....twice. The Legislature is the liars in this. They say you get 3 parcels...and 4-10 if you show a loss greater than what you can sell 3 for at today's market value. They figure the loss at the year before the enactment of land regulations and the year after. That was 35 years ago for us. We could not sell our land for 35 years....of course it has gone up. That is our loss....35 years of loss. This is crazy and we will prevail....spend all your time and money....we will get our land back. You can count on that.

Bellstar, you don't make any sense. Just like Measure 37. You just said "of course" the value of your land has gone up. So how do you know that land use regulations made you lose money, unless you calculate the value before and after the regulation went into effect?

Like I said in this post, Oregon's land use laws have created a desirable state where people want to live. Those laws have added a lot of value to your property. You should be happy that you've made money on your land.

I'll take you up on your bet. How much? I'll put five dollars on the Measure 37 fix either being enacted by the legislature directly this session, or being approved by the voters this fall.

I always find the mantra of 'it's not fair'funny when your side uses it...

"People bought homes out here because they wanted to live in the country. They bought knowing that adjoining land was zoned for exclusive farm use."

You forget...we too bought land because we wanted a particular life style and even with the public hearings, our wants were ignored.

"They bought expecting that if this EFU designation ever were changed, it only would be after a fair and open public process."

The people of Oregon voted...twice...how much more fair can it get? Your side needs to understand that few in Oregon like the land use laws.

Let's get real. Oregon consists of about 61,000,000 acres of land. About 34,000,000 acres of land is owned by various government agencies and are therefore, exempt from development (this is almost 60% of the land in Oregon). Currently about 730,000 acres are developed.

You complain about 'outside' big corps. and their money coming in to Oregon to back their own agenda...well, let's remember the big corporation outside of Oregon that backs 1,000 friends...Seirra Club.

I'd also like to point out that even if the 'big timber' company could get their 37 claim approved...the environmental permits required plus the infrastructure, ie. water, sewage, roads, utilities, etc. wouold take longer to get than the average life of a corporation.

This garbage just signed by the Governor is more of the stall, delay and deny practiced by your side. 30 years of 'we need to study and see how best to proceed' is crap. None of us on my side believes that anything fair will come from your side or this government. After 30 years of lies and abuse, you can't possibly believe that we'd trust anything your side says.

Remember your dismay at that public hearing? Try 30 years of it and then talk to me.

I hope Oregonians use their heads and vote for this fix. The people, who want to subdivide their land into developments, have for years benefitted from lower tax rates on EFU land while others paid their share. That was done to keep farmland farming, and as a compensation for not being able to develop land further. Wonder if they plan to pay all that back? I already know the answer to that.

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