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April 10, 2007


That is sad. It seems that developers only value one green thing-- the dollar bill

I think your $8.95 investment is brilliant! (I checked on walncreek.com but I see some clever person (wink-wink) already owns that.) Do you know if Suniga is partnered with any particular realty firm on this development?

Michael, a brilliant mind that would think of registering one domain name would also think of registering a similar name (wink-wink).

No, I don't know if Suniga is partnered with a realty firm. The phone number(s) on the sign shown in a photo lead to Suniga's office.

Does your own clever mind have any action-oriented ideas if a realty firm is indeed involved?

Hope your campaign for President, as a sound-thinking Republican, is going well. Blog readers should check out:


I can’t say that I have any brilliant ideas toward the realtor other than whatever public feedback can be mustered. The only real motivator is going to be monetary, and as you point out, the penalties for chopping the trees are minimal. I’m somewhat surprised that the trees didn’t have value in landscaping terms, but it sounds as though the site needed quite a bit of grading.

My campaign is somewhat low on steam lately. I’m increasingly frustrated that the Republican Party serves as a shelter for narrow-mindedness. While I frequently don’t agree with my Democratic friends on their approach, I think their intent is almost always well-meaning. But some of the recent debate in Salem over sexual orientation issues has brought out some in the Republican ranks who have little goodwill toward their fellow Oregonians, and an unfortunate willingness to employ government toward objectives that betray the true nature of their alleged moral superiority. I’ve encountered several who defend their bigotry as protected religious freedom. If I believed in hell, I’d pray for a special place for those who use their faith as a weapon against others.

I’m glad to see a bit of chaos in the Republican ranks, and I hope Texas Rep. Ron Paul gets some traction with some of this libertarian ideas. For myself, I’m starting to get engaged more in some local issues where my efforts might be more practical.

The real fun would be if a planning department had the nerve to say to someone who illegally removed trees to build a subdivision, "No problem. We'll just wait for them to grow back before we issue you any building permits."

You can talk trash about George all day long. He recently sold the entire Waln Creek development to a local homebuilding company. He's been paid in full and laughing at you tree huggers all the way to the bank. I'm laughing at you too.

Leave George alone its a stinking tree vs making money. don't lie if it was your property you would accidentally cut it down too!

Apparently he tries to bulldoze people too. He backed into my car in a parking lot and now - after admitting to me and to my insurance adjuster that it was his fault - he is claiming that he is not liable. Just because I wouldn't do things his way and not go through an insurance company, he decided to throw a tantrum. Guess he thinks money allows him to get away with things that we mere mortals can't do.

Unfortunately the fines put in place by your government and city officials has made it not much of penalty in these situations. On the flip side of it all your probably not aware that Mr. Suniga is the 2nd most charitable individual in the Salem area behind Mr. Dan G. You are probably not aware that Mr. Suniga has put countless families in tragedy into a home or apartment free of charge for up to a year for the family to get back on their feet. Just wanted to point out both sides of the equation, maybe doing some homework before you open your mouth next time. Sincerely, a Salem resident.

Cory, so you agree that Suniga cuts down trees for no good reason and scoffs at laws designed to prevent this. You don't disagree with anything I said in this post.

I don't care about Suniga's supposed charitable giving. So what? My wife and I give to charities. Thus I'm a wonderful person in that regard also. Why didn't you ask me about my charitable giving before you left your comment?

Oh, I know. Because that fact has nothing to do with the subject of this post: George Suniga cuts down trees illegally and makes a lot of money from this. Then he gives some to charity, which doesn't excuse the non-permitted tree cutting.

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