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April 08, 2007


Angst lives!

Paul, so true. It's been a difficult day. But thankfully the Coffee House Cafe was open. I should have known it would be, tilting as it does toward the leftist godless vibe.

And Office Depot also was open, though they didn't have the sort of phone we're looking for.

To cap the day off, I pulled up to the recycling center with a carload of recyclables and found that D & O Garbage chose the Easter weekend to pave their lot. "Closed until Monday," the sign said.

I thought of adding them, along with Best Buy, to my religious discrimination suit. But since it'll be nice to have the gravel replaced with asphalt, I think I'll give them a pass.

Jesus would be proud of me, turning the other cheek like that.

i dont usualy visit this site but i came across it so ill leave my breif message you need to get over yourselves and stop looking for things to complain about , how about geting a hobby. Also what kind of religion are you into? all you do is shop on sun? bad day to pick dont you think? hello?! almost all stores are closed on sunday. actualy almost every sunday almost every store is closed. i guess all im trying to say is if your going to pick a religion or make one up or what ever you did at least make shur it makes sence. k im done my rant. cheers

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