« Dems poised to fail on Measure 37 fix. I’m bummed. | Main | Maui overdevelopment makes for sad sights »

April 27, 2007


It is Representative Mike Schaufler who blocked Measure 37 reform. He was the single Democratic holdout. He is single-handedly responsible for the devastation that we will see in the coming months. Shame on him. And let's hope this DINO is voted out next time. At least a GOP is the enemy that you know! This guy is a snake in the grass.

First, Rep. Mike Schaufler is NOT the only House Democrat to oppose changing Measure 37 without involving voters. It would be utter insanity for House Democrats to unilaterally overturn Measure 37 just two years after 60 percent of voters passed it.

Second, Schaufler was among those who advocated modest land use changes BEFORE Measure 37 passed that could have avoided this whole mess. It was environmental groups who opposed those modest reforms in 1999, 2001, and 2003, and who now must take some responsibility for the passage of Measure 37.

Third, since House Democrats have only a narrow majority, it would be a complete waste of time or money to go after Schaufler in the next primary election. Devote your time and money to defeating Wayne Scott, Karen Minnis, John Lim, and the other House Republicans who are bad for Oregon’s schools, health care, public safety, working families, AND environment.

Let’s keep our eyes on the prize.

House Democrat, I already read your apology for the Democratic failure to pass a Measure 37 fix on Peter Bray's Land Use Watch blog.

Saying it twice doesn't make it any more persuasive. Spin the situation however you want.

The plain fact is that at this moment, and for the foreseeable moments into the future, Measure 37 remains poised to trash Oregon.

As Peter has been saying, Sens. Prozanski and Macpherson have been remarkably timid and uncreative in their efforts to fashion a fix. Now the state is going to suffer as a result.

The ball was in the Land Use Fairness Committee's court. The committee didn't score, even though they outnumbered the opposition six to four. That's a fact.

The Dems failed. And I'm sick about it.

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